Photo of T. Rabb Wilkerson, III

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What may lead to a police officer thinking a driver is impaired?

On Behalf of | Jan 28, 2025 | Drunk Driving |

Being pulled over for the suspicion of drunk driving is never a welcome event. It’s one that can end with a driver being arrested, which can be the start of a lengthy legal battle.

Some people may wonder what may lead a police officer to conduct this type of traffic stop. The answer to this is that they must see something that a reasonable person would think shows signs of impaired driving. This is known as reasonable suspicion.

Signs of impaired driving

Police officers are taught to watch for signs that signal drunk driving. While there are many different ways alcohol can affect a person’s ability to drive, there are some signs that are fairly common. These include:

  • Frequent stopping, even when there’s not a reason to stop
  • Inability to stay in the proper traffic lane
  • Unsafe travel speeds, including too fast or too slow
  • Nearly hitting or hitting objects on the side of the road
  • Lack of headlights from dusk to dawn or in inclement weather

Once the driver is pulled over, the focus turns to finding out what’s going on. This typically involves speaking to the driver, which should be handled carefully they can invoke their right to avoid self-incrimination. The officer may ask the driver to take a chemical test or a field sobriety test to determine impairment. If the officer finds evidence that meets the standard of probable cause, they’ll conduct an arrest.

Every aspect of the traffic stop can play a role in a defense strategy for someone charged with driving under the influence. Having experienced legal guidance help build that strategy.