Prosecutors love eyewitnesses. They can be very effective at convincing a jury that someone really did commit the crime they stand accused of. There lies the problem. Sometimes they are too convincing, even when they are wrong. It’s not that an eyewitness goes onto...
Criminal Defense
What may lead to a police officer thinking a driver is impaired?
Being pulled over for the suspicion of drunk driving is never a welcome event. It’s one that can end with a driver being arrested, which can be the start of a lengthy legal battle. Some people may wonder what may lead a police officer to conduct this type of traffic...
Important constitutional protections in criminal cases
The U.S. Constitution provides a host of legal protections to those accused of criminal offenses. If you have been accused of an offense, it’s vital to keep these protections in mind. Here are three important constitutional protections to remember. Your right to...
Should you take a plea deal for drunk driving charges?
Facing DUI charges can be terrifying, and you may feel the pressure to resolve the situation quickly. Accepting a plea deal might seem like the easy way out, especially when you're at the possibility of jail time, hefty fines and a suspended license. However, taking a...
What is mishandling of evidence and why does it matter?
When the police mishandle evidence, it means they’ve made a critical error in the way evidence is stored, transported, secured or otherwise handled. This can become a significant factor in a criminal defense case. For example, the police may claim to have clear...
Why peer pressure sometimes leads to teen crime
Many parents are often surprised when their teenager is arrested. They can’t believe the teen would break the law or do something so out of character. A teenager could be arrested for shoplifting or underage drinking, for example, and the parents may be stunned,...
Felonies vs. serious felonies in Georgia: What’s the difference?
Facing any felony charge means you are in deep legal trouble and should start considering your defense options immediately. Georgia classifies some offenses as “serious” felonies, so what does that mean for your case? Contrary to popular belief, these two...
Types of police surveillance
To pursue an arrest and criminal charges, the police need evidence. Sometimes, evidence presents itself, but that isn’t always the case. Another option that the police have is to gather information through surveillance. Surveillance is an age-old technique, but it...
Can police enter your house in hot pursuit?
In many cases, police officers need your consent to enter your home. If an officer knocks on the door and asks to come inside, you can refuse and they can’t force their way in. In other cases, officers will get a search warrant. Even if you don’t give them your...
How can a motion to suppress help your criminal case?
A motion to suppress is filed by the defense team in a criminal case to challenge the admissibility of evidence in court on one or more legal grounds. It could be because the police obtained the evidence unlawfully, such as through an illegal search or a forced...
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