Divorce can be an emotionally burdensome experience, especially if you made significant sacrifices in the name of love and family. Many spouses willingly step back from their career or educational pursuits to support their partner's ambitions and care for the family....
Property Division
Options for the family home in a divorce
For most couples, the family home is their most valuable asset. During a divorce, this will be subject to property division. In Georgia, property is divided equitably in a divorce. This means that the court will carefully assess the financial circumstances of each...
Will diving retirement savings in a divorce trigger penalties?
Divorcing couples in Georgia typically need to reasonably divide their resources. That process may entail negotiating an agreement or presenting evidence to a judge. The most valuable property that people share will likely be subject to division. Retirement savings...
How might a Georgia judge divide marital property during a litigated divorce?
Someone who is thinking about filing for divorce may have a hard time envisioning their future. The longer a marriage lasts, the harder it can be to predict what the future may hold after it ends. Unless someone has a prenuptial agreement with very clear instructions...
How does the equitable division of marital property work?
Divorce can be an emotionally challenging experience, and financial matters can add further complexity to the process. Dividing the assets and debts acquired during the marriage is often contentious, especially when the divorcing couple disagrees on the way forward....
How does equitable division work in a Georgia divorce?
The assets you accumulated as a couple during your marriage, the investments you made and the debts accrued must be divided when it’s time to part ways. How this will play out depends on various factors, such as whether you have an valid prenuptial or postnuptial...
What is the standard for property division in a Georgia divorce?
The end of the marriage is typically an emotional time that is fraught with major practical concerns. Individuals contemplating divorce have to think about their obligations to their shared children and their financial circumstances very carefully. They can either...
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