Should you first try to escape the situation before resorting to using force to defend yourself or others if you reasonably believe that you or someone else is in immediate danger of being harmed by another person? In some states, you have a duty to retreat from the...
Month: March 2024
Is drug possession a felony or misdemeanor in Georgia?
When you are accused of possessing a controlled substance in Georgia, you can either be charged with a felony or a misdemeanor offense. A conviction of either can result in serious legal penalties, so it helps to understand what is at stake. On the face of it, a...
Helpful apps for virtual visitation
In a recent post, we explored one of the ways in which technology is playing a pivotal role in fostering strong connections between co-parents and their children. Virtual visitation, facilitated by a variety of apps and platforms, has become an essential tool for many...
The benefits of virtual visitation for co-parenting families
It’s not hard to see that many kids and adults today may be a little TOO connected. After all, it’s difficult to go anywhere without seeing people glued to their phones, tablets and laptops instead of taking in the world around them. With that said, there are some...
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