Few things are as emotionally stressful as making child custody decisions after a breakup. Not only must you willingly give up some time with your kids, but you must also address many practical matters in your agreement. You probably understand that you must address...
Child Custody
Making virtual visitation work for preschoolers
In recent years, virtual visitation has become an increasingly important tool for maintaining parent-child relationships when children of co-parents spend their time rotating between two households. For families with preschool-aged children, virtual visitation can...
3 signs your custody and visitation orders may need revisiting
In Georgia, family courts prioritize the child's best interests in all divorce decisions. However, judges can get things wrong occasionally, leaving parents with child custody orders that do not function well. Other times, families simply outgrow their initial...
Crafting a workable virtual visitation plan
Due to the increasingly dynamic nature of electronic communication, virtual visitation arrangements have become increasingly popular in co-parenting and parallel-parenting families divided by divorce or non-marital separation. With that said, because each family’s...
Helpful apps for virtual visitation
In a recent post, we explored one of the ways in which technology is playing a pivotal role in fostering strong connections between co-parents and their children. Virtual visitation, facilitated by a variety of apps and platforms, has become an essential tool for many...
The benefits of virtual visitation for co-parenting families
It’s not hard to see that many kids and adults today may be a little TOO connected. After all, it’s difficult to go anywhere without seeing people glued to their phones, tablets and laptops instead of taking in the world around them. With that said, there are some...
4 reasons to alter a child custody schedule
Divorcing parents may spend considerable time trying to find a child custody schedule that works for everyone. There’s a lot to consider, such as each parent’s work schedule and a child’s daily needs. Even after spending hours configuring a custody schedule, there may...
How courts determine the best interests of the child
In some cases, parents who are getting divorced are still on fairly good terms and they can determine the child custody solution that they want to use. They may agree on where the child should live, how to split up parenting time, how to divide their legal custody or...
How can you show that a post-divorce move is necessary?
There are some cases where ex-spouses are not on good terms after a divorce, but they still share custody of their child. In an effort to reduce their ex’s time with the child, one parent may try to move far enough away that a custody exchange isn’t practical. They...
How do you handle it when the kids figure out a divorce is coming?
Divorce can be a very emotional and difficult time. You likely can’t imagine how the news of your divorce is going to affect your children. You know you’re going to have to break the news to them eventually, but when? Children are smart. They can often tell when...
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