Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs is an offense that can lead to significant penalties. The Georgia Implied Consent Law requires drivers to submit to chemical tests when the police stop them with probable cause. Refusing to be tested may lead to...
Month: February 2023
4 factors that may contribute to child custody decisions
Divorcing parents should put the needs of their children first. You want your kids to cope better with the divorce and to meet their needs as before, if not better. Child custody is a crucial subject, with both parents hoping for a favorable outcome. However, if you...
How will a gray divorce affect your older children?
It’s never too late to get a divorce. As such, many people over the age of 50 are getting a gray divorce. Gray divorce is a recently growing trend and many people are taking the opportunity to revive their individuality. There’s a lot to consider when filing for a...
When can you refuse a sobriety test?
Imagine someone was drinking with friends and left the bar drunk. The police noticed the driver was drifting between lanes and ran a red light, giving them probable cause to pull them over. The officer then asked the driver several questions, asked to see their...
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