Strong Defense Against Drug Charges
The type of charge and whether it is your first offense will play a bigger role in your case than the type of drug you were arrested for possessing.
Marijuana Possession And Marijuana Distribution Defense
Possession of less than an ounce of marijuana is a misdemeanor, but punishment still ranges from $1,000 to a year in jail, along with a suspended driving license. If you are arrested in Georgia with more than an ounce, however, you will face serious felony charges.
Our firm defends persons accused of misdemeanor drug charges, all the way up to felony charges for methamphetamines, cocaine and crack cocaine, peyote, LSD, heroin and illegal prescription drugs like oxycodone. We take clients charged with possession, trafficking, manufacturing and “doctor shopping.”
Protect Your Future With Strong Legal Representation
In my experience as a Warner Robins drug charge defense attorney, I have noticed that most arrests are of young people who haven’t thought through the consequences of getting caught with drugs. Our prisons are now overflowing with kids convicted of possessing and growing their own marijuana. A conviction will have devastating effects on your future. You really don’t want to be convicted of a drug crime in Georgia.
The Number To Call For Drug Defense In Middle Georgia
I suggest you copy this number to your cellphone or slip it into your wallet. Then dial the number the moment you are arrested. It will be one of the best phone calls you ever make.
T. Rabb Wilkerson, Drug Defense Lawyer
Once arrested, we strongly suggest remaining silent until you have spoken with your attorney. People who have been arrested (and who may still be high) don’t always make the most useful statements.
Contact A Houston County Felony Drug Defense Attorney
If you have been charged with a drug offense or you know someone who has been charged, choose an attorney with deep experience in criminal drug defense. Contact me online or call 478-225-4370 to schedule a consultation to discuss your situation.