Many drivers who get pulled over for impaired driving believe that they’re fairly sober. Even if they admit to having a few drinks, they don’t think they’re intoxicated or impaired. They honestly believed that it was safe to drive when they got in the car. This may be...
Drunk Driving
The potential consequences of an underage DUI in Georgia
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense that poses significant risks to drivers, passengers, and innocent bystanders. When it comes to underage individuals, the consequences of a DUI can be even more severe. In Georgia, where strict laws are in place...
Understanding Georgia’s open container law
Drunk driving is against the law across all states. However, even if the driver is not drunk, having an open container of alcohol within their reach in a vehicle is illegal in Georgia. The state’s open container law further makes it illegal for passengers to have...
3 things you shouldn’t do at a DUI stop
Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or other drugs may call for a traffic stop. The police study drivers’ behaviors to spot drunk ones. They need reasonable suspicion to stop a driver. After which, they will carry out the required procedures to confirm if...
A first-offense DUI could land you in jail
Georgia has stringent laws against drunk driving. Even first-time offenders risk jail time if convicted, although it depends on the specifics of the alleged offense. Under the state’s DUI laws, you are considered a first offender if you have never been convicted or...
Challenging the breathalyzer test as your DUI defense
Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs is an offense that can lead to significant penalties. The Georgia Implied Consent Law requires drivers to submit to chemical tests when the police stop them with probable cause. Refusing to be tested may lead to...
When can you refuse a sobriety test?
Imagine someone was drinking with friends and left the bar drunk. The police noticed the driver was drifting between lanes and ran a red light, giving them probable cause to pull them over. The officer then asked the driver several questions, asked to see their...
Does Georgia really require special license plates after a DUI?
You may have heard that a few states, including Georgia, require people who have been convicted of DUI to have special license plates on their vehicle. These have been called everything from “party plates” to “scarlet letter plates.” People have argued, with good...
2 errors police can make when gathering evidence in DUI cases
For prosecutors, the consistency and reliability of the evidence are crucial in any criminal investigation. However, there is a chance that police will make mistakes when an investigation calls for the collection and storage of physical evidence. Some of these are the...
There’s no such thing as a get-sober-quick trick
Imagine someone out drinking with friends. A few hours roll by and everyone has had their fair share of drinks, so now it’s time to go home. This person drove to the bar, but their BAC is above 0.08% and now they can’t drive home – yet, their friend has this great...
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